About Us

Accolade established in 2013 is a registered Charity with Inland Revenue and is managed by a voluntary management committee elected annually by members. Committee members represent a variety of sectors and from a variety of community backgrounds, age profiles and religious affiliation e.g. Health & Social Services, Education, Business, Finance, Voluntary/Community and Legal Sector experience. Other members experience and expertise include; Conflict and Peace Building, Health and Emotional Well being, Intercultural interests, intergenerational interests and experience working in TSN (Targeting Social Need).

Constitution vision

Accolade works to promote, strengthen and deepen relationships between different communities and cultures through exciting and inspiring music/arts-based programmes within an artistic, social and educational context. In line with organisational developments, in 2019 Accolade has undertaken to update the organisation’s Constitution as well as developing a comprehensive strategic plan review and in line with good governance update all policy and procedures documents.


Over the years Accolade has secured funding from a variety of sources and is currently funded by Awards for All.


· Advancement, improvement, production and promotion of music, arts and culture

· Promotion and preservation of physical and mental health

· Advancement of education and the promotion of the benefit of participants without distinction of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability/ability, race, nationality, ethnic origin, political, religious or other opinion by associating the statutory and local authorities, voluntary organisations and the inhabitants in a common effort to advance education and promote music and arts with the objective of improving the conditions of life.

· Advance the education of the general public on issues affecting ethnic minority communities in the area of benefit in particular but not exclusively through the mediums of music, arts and cross-cultural community activities;

· Promote community harmony and develop the art of choral singing and playing musical instruments for the benefit of the public by the provision of opportunities to socialize with others from different cultures and communities through participation in music and the arts and to foster among the choir members and the public a knowledge of and appreciation for choral music;

· support and instruction and the organisation of exhibitions of works, concerts, performances and events as the Committee shall from time to time decide;

· Provide relief for persons suffering from mental or physical illness or living with disabilities, emotional or behavioural problems or in need of such rehabilitation as a result of such illness by the provision of music therapy.


Accolade Connecting people through music is a registered Charity with Inland Revenue No: NIC100345 and is currently funded by Awards For All

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